synthetic oilMobilgrease 28 is a supreme performance, wide-temperature, antiwear grease designed to combine the unique features of a polyalphaolefin (PAO) synthetic base fluid with an organo-clay (non-soap) thickener.
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Mobil Pegasus™ 610 is a high performance gas engine oil primarily intended for the lubrication of modern medium and high speed four-cycle engines operating on fuel that contains corrosive materials such as hydrogen sulphide or halogens (compounds containing chlorine, fluorine, etc.).
Ask for an enquiryMOBILTHERM 605
Mobiltherm heat transfer oils are high performance products intended for use in closed indirect heating installations. They are recommended for use in cold-oil sealed, indirect heating and cooling systems in all kinds of industrial processes.
Ask for an enquiryMOBILGEAR 600 XP 320
The Mobilgear 600 XP Series are extra high performance gear oils having outstanding extreme pressure characteristics and load-carrying properties, intended for use in all types of enclosed gear drives with circulation or splash lubrication systems.
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